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Equipping the Saints

Our Classes for this upcoming series will be starting soon. Anyone is welcome to attend these classes. Learn how to begin your walk with God. 

Sunday School Classes

Sundays @ 9:30am.

Right now, we are learning about the founding of our fellowship from Pastor Greg Mitchel

Children's Sunday School Classes are available for ages 3-11 years

Our Adult Bible Class offers an in depth Bible study series on various topics for ages 12 & up.

Worship Services

At The Potter's House, our lively worship services are Pentecostal in nature, featuring music, praise, Bible-Based preaching, ministry and prayer for personal needs. 

Corporate prayer: 1 hour before every service

  • Sundays- 10:30am & 6:00pm,

  • Wednesdays- 7:00pm.

Children's Nursery

Nursery is provided for children at all services for infants through toddlers.

Outreach & Evangelism

In addition to the One80, our weekly concert outreach ministry, we focus on personal evangelism throughout the North Valley area every Saturday. During the summer we have many outreach ministries that focus on preaching the Gospel through music, puppets, healing crusades etc. in local parks, gathering-places and neighborhoods. We also send bands and puppet productions out of town to help share the Gospel in other cities, and other churches.​

Children's Church

Children are the hope of our future, so we aim to give them a solid foundation of Bible understanding. In order to facilitate this, we provide a children’s church ministry during the Sunday evening service that helps them to learn in a context and style suitable for them. This includes music, drama, games, and object lessons.

Children also are helped to learn servanthood and ministry skills through the various music, puppet and drama teams.


Home Bible Studies

This Ministry provides our Men and their wives the opportunity to open up their homes and do an in depth study of the Bible. Stay tuned for upcoming Bible Studies.... Coming soon....

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